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Writer's picturePanhypopitBaby

6 Months - The journey ahead.

I always try to remain positive in so many situations; I truly believe that positive thinking can get you through so many things. Especially when you're going through fertility issues, it's so important. Remaining positive in an environment where you have the 50/50 chance of having your own children or not, is such a difficult thing to do. But, it's even harder to remain positive with this looming over you whilst time is ticking.

Time is such a hard thing to process sometimes especially when you don't have enough of it.

We're already halfway through our treatment. When they said you've got a year, it sounds like a lifetime. Now we have 6 months. Half a year. Halfway through our one chance at having our own family.

We've just had a further appointment with the our endocrinologist who, has now added in the FSH injections along with increasing the amount of HCG which he has now been on for 6 months.

What the plan is now is that over the next 6 months Ethan will have 3 injections of the HCG each week and 2 injections of FSH a week. This will hopefully promote spermatogenisis in Ethan. What we have found out in our latest appointment, is that if spermatogenisis is restored then it will be highly unlikely that we will be able to conceive naturally and that we will more than likely need assisted conception. So, if at the end of the 6 months, spermatogenisis is restored but we have not naturally conceived then we will be referred to the fertililty clinic to undergo treatments there whilst continuing on the HCG and FSH injections.

All sounding positive, yes?

So my question is, what happens if we get to the end of the next 6 months and Ethan still has azoospermia (no sperm count)... If unfortunately we get to the end of the next 6 months and nothing has improved then that is the end of the road for us.

The amount of pressure that this places on us is just enormous to say the least.

It's crazy to think that in just 6 months, we could have the best news or the worst news of our lives. It will completely determine the path that our lives together go down and that to me is, well, it's intense to say the least.

So, again I think that it's a case of waiting to see what the results of the next analysis are and hoping and praying that there's some kind of positive change/news!

On a completely separate note, we have been so lucky that Ethan has been able to share his story with the Pituitary Foundation and as such we will be featured in the February 2020 edition of Pituitary Life, their quarterly magazine! Eeeek! We're so super excited to be sharing our story with more people and hopefully getting more awareness shared!

Our main aim when setting this website and our blogs/vlogs up was to share our story in order to help those that may be going through a similar situation or males with PHP who are looking to start a family... By sharing our story and our journey we hope to educate and show the medical processes, the hoops we have to jump through along with sharing the information that we have found ourselves through our own research. So to have this be shared with the Pituitary Foundation's members is such an amazing opportunity!

Pituitary Life is available digitally on their website from February 17th 2020 or you can subscribe to become a member of the Pituitary Foundation... The link to their website is below! Please check out our article Ethan's story!

All the best,

N xo

Pituitary Life Magazine:

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