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Writer's picturePanhypopitBaby

New Year, New journey.

Hello everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all!

So, with the New Year brings new things and tomorrow is the test both Ethan and I have been waiting for.

Although, I know that this is more daunting for Ethan, it is still a big deal for us both. The result will determine our next steps in starting our family and from this we will get the answer to the questions that have been looming over us.

Regardless of the result, I know there will be a road ahead to get to where we want to be but I'm positive and excited to actually start on our journey.

It seems like so long ago now that I decided to start doing my blogs and I'm so pleased that I have done this. It's a hard enough thing to be going through together but it's made easier by us sharing our thoughts, feelings and journey with others.

In the time it's taken from the start of my blogs to now, I've encountered some amazing people, learnt a lot of new things but mostly I've gained a more positive outlook on the road ahead. I think that through sharing this with other people I've found others that have or are going through the same thing as Ethan and I. At a time when I truly felt as though no one else understands, I have gone from feeling lonely to feeling supported, understood and relieved that I can share my thoughts and feelings with the world.

Unfortunately, I'm away this week with work, so I won't be there to support Ethan with his hospital appointment but I know that he's going to be strong. I know that it's an extremely difficult thing for a man to face but he's got the same positive, upbeat and determined mindset that despite the odds, we're going to be able to have our own family. I think that's perhaps one of the main hurdles... Self belief. You have to believe in yourself in whatever you do in life.

So this time next week, hopefully we'll have our result which of course we will share with you good or bad. With that we'll, hopefully, have an idea of the next stage in our process.

So with the New Year for Ethan and I it brings, hopefully, good news. But either way it's the start of a completely new chapter in our lives and one that will end up in us starting our own family one way or the other.

I'm excited for this to finally be starting; Nervous, anxious but definitely excited! I just want to remain positive. I've had my tears, felt stressed beyond belief but none of that is good for you. And it certainly isn't good when trying to get pregnant.

If you're reading this and you're at the same cross roads as we are; You're stressed, worried, anxious... Just remember, there's so much they can do these days! Medicine is amazing but also, there are other options available. Familiarise yourself... Knowledge is power. But always remember you're not alone and there is a world of people who are kind, caring and will help you through this!

So, with positivity hopefully comes positive results. Fingers crossed!

I wish you all a wonderful 2019 and I hope that this is a year filled with love, happiness, health and beautiful memories!

Love, N xo

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